Sunday, September 25, 2005

Law school: first impressions

I have to be honest. I really wasn't sure what to expect from law school. I suppose I had a few ideas, but those were mostly based on TV shows and other "reliable" sources. I figured most people would be bright, and that the Type-A personalities would be over-represented. So far, it's been, well, almost blissful.

A month in, and I've yet to see the cut-throat, I'd-sell-my-own-mother-for-an-A kind of behavior that everyone warned me about. Everyone has been really great- friendly, fun, inclusive, and helpful. I'm not saying that this couldn't change in the next three years, but I've been so impressed. I really feel like I'm in with a great bunch.

The classes have been great too. Even the so-called "boring" ones like Constitutional Law. Every day I pick up the paper and there are 20 stories relevant to something I'm learning right now. I am finding it so interesting. So, as for my first impressions: I'm loving it!


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