Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Monkeying around

I woke up this morning to the strangest sight. I heard a noise from the back yard of the hotel, so I looked out the window to see what was going on. There were coconuts shooting out of the palm trees and onto the ground. I watched for a minute to see if my eyes were deceiving me (they weren't), then I looked for the man who was hucking these things. I figured it must be the grounds crew making the place safer for tourists. Then, to my great surprise, a monkey scooted out of the upper branches and straight down the tree. He was wearing a collar attached to a 30-foot leash. There were two monkeys taking turns throwing coconuts, and I realized that the monkeys were actually trained to do this! When they finished, two men gathered up all the coconuts, piled them behind the back fence, hopped on their motorbikes, and rode away. The monkeys, of course, were riding on the motorbikes, on the seat right in front of the people.


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