Saturday, February 25, 2006

Idol worship

I hate to admit it, but Caroline and I have become addicted to the most recent season of American Idol. I've never really seen it before, and missed out on the highlights of recent years, like William Hung singing "She Bangs!"

I always wondered what the fuss was all about, and I'm not sure I'm closer to knowing the answer, but I do know that it's one of my guilty pleasures. This week I was sad to see Becky O'Donohue go home- she's not the best singer, but hey, she's hot! I thought people would vote for her just so they could look at her for a few more weeks (or maybe that's just me!)

Being 30, I'm probably outside the normal age range for loving the show, so I guess my idol worship will have to stay my little secret. My very public, blogged-about secret.


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