Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The King of Siam

Thailand is a democratic country, but also a kingdom. Unlike Britain, where the royal family serves as a source of gossip for the rest of the country, the Thai royal family are highly regarded in their country. Thais love their king and queen, and there are pictures of them in homes, shops, and restaurants all over the country. Billboards featuring the king and queen in various noble poses dot the land, appearing in city and countryside alike. Wherever you go, the king is there, watching over you.

This week Caroline and I decided to go to the local mall and catch a movie, which turned out to be more of a cultural experience than we had bargained for. After showing all the previews for the other movies, a message came on screen that said something to the effect of, "Please pay your respects to His Majesty, the King", at which point the national anthem came on and everyone practically leapt out of their chairs and stood at attention. While the music played, a corresponding movie showed, featuring the king administering justly to his people. There were scenes of him surrounded by children, old women bowing respectfully to him, the king shaking hands with hill tribe people, and happy Thais smiling together under blue skies. When the music ended, everyone took their seats, and the movie started.

That experience alone was worth the price of the movie ticket.


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