Monday, August 30, 2004

The Korean movie experience

I had my first Korean movie experience on the weekend. I had heard that the Korean movie experience is different than at home, with the three main differences being:
  1. Koreans eat "squid snack" (think beef jerky made of squid) in the movies, giving the theater a very particular smell,
  2. when their cell phones ring, they answer them, and actually have a conversation!!! I guess they don't have that preview like we do at home that reminds people not to provide their own soundtrack to the show, and
  3. when the show's over, they head for the door like the place is on fire- no time for credits or anything of the sort.

So I was a little curious/nervous when we went to see The Bourne Identity. Fortunately, none of the warnings proved to be major issues- most of the people ate popcorn and candy, not squid, and nobody around me answered their phone during the movie. The part about people bailing as soon as it's over was true, but I didn't find it much different than at home- I feel that I am definitely in the minority in that I enjoy watching the closing credits of movies. I suppose it's one of my little quirks, and it's not that I'm all that interested in seeing who the gaffer was, or which catering service was used, but what songs were on the soundtrack, and where the movie was filmed. As far as the whole Korean movie experience goes, I give it "two thumbs up!"


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