Saturday, August 14, 2004

It's amazing to be part of the human family!

Like billions of people around the globe, I watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics this morning. Because of the time difference, they were on at 3 a.m., so I watched them for a while on Korean t.v. at 3, and then again on NBC starting at 9. I was amazed at the creativity of the costumes, music, and choreography. The show was beautiful and spectacular! Western civilization owes so much to Greece, and it was incredible to see the many periods of Greek history replayed in such vivid detail.

I loved the parade of the athletes as well. I was overwhelmed by the beautiful and varied costumes representing so many nations and cultural traditions. It was wonderful to see athletes from countries big and small joining together for one common purpose. To me, the Olympics is about so much more than just the sports. It is a chance to celebrate humanity, to glorify human achievement, and to set aside differences and emphasize similarities. The Olympics have traditionally been an excellent forum for symbolic gestures of goodwill, and this year was no exception. I was moved by the warm reception given to Iraq, and by the decision of the athletes from North and South Korea to walk together.

What a remarkable opportunity to celebrate human progress and to realize that we all have so much in common. It's amazing to be part of the human family!


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